Signs that shows a lady is truly not interested in you, therefore, you should stop wasting your time
Signs she is not interested and therefore you should avoid bothering her The first step into a relationship is having a crush on someone regardless of gender, you might crush on a lady or on a man, and all are the foundations in starting a relationship. The second step is always supposed to be approach, where you are expected to make your first move. Mostly, because ladies are always known to be shy, they find it hard to make this move; they leave live it for the men to handle. Now, the today’s topic has got to do with this, when exactly should you realize that it is time to stop bothering her because she is not interested? There has always been a confusion here, we understand that ladies always expect to be chased, like, you need to chase her until she says Yes. Today we decided to look into this topic and let you know the signs that show, you are wasting your time, therefore you should also pull away. Ladies are always good in playing pull away games; they so...