5 GREAT WAYS to master self discipline


                Mastering self-discipline is always a good side of life direction to take. By doing this, it is always clear that you are fed up with the kind of life you are always living and that you are now ready to direct your life on the right track. So you may ask, how can I master my self-discipline? Well it is question that needs an answer so today, in fact now, I am going to tell you the ways that I also used and took me away from my bad habits. I must assure that it’s not an easy task because changing a character is like going to school on an empty stomach, you know what I mean.

            Many times people do tend to be confused between being Obedient and being self-disciplined. Now being self-disciplined according to our the ancestors and the founders of the English language we speak, simply means, Having the ability to do what you should be doing.. While being obedient simply means the ability of you willing to comply with an order. Speaking of bad habits, what are these, in brief I think I should just mention some of them that you should have at list some knowledge about as you consider taking a journey of your new life.

#Misleading behaviors that you should strive to avoid


             Being dramatic or living a dramatic life is a kind of life that is always adopted automatically because people seem to like being somehow funny, or so. Since dramas are everywhere, Tv shows, magazines, social media etc. it becomes so easy to train yourself into living such a life and within no time, you will automatically find yourself in that trap.

            Some might say, it is a talent or something of sort. But the question is, Is it possible that everybody nowadays is talented with such kind of life, well it can’t be. These kind of behavior is noticed in a number of ways you always notice;

ü A friend that loves to gossip

ü Co-workers that who play a blame game

ü A selfish friend.

ü A relative who feels argument is healthier.

In conclusion on the dramatic life, I wanna appreciate you for taking the right thing because you are now on the right path


            Another kind of negative behavior that you need to avoid is this. It’s a kind of life where you seem to oppose everything. I do not say that opposing is bad, but the reason you have brains is to be able to differentiate between the right and the wrong. So if you find yourself into such a life, then that’s what we are saying that you end up being stubborn Because everything you are gonna told even if its something that will help you grow, you will always find a reason behind opposing it.

            As an individual who has decided to have a healthy lifestyle that is admired by almost everybody, you should be on the lookout for such a behavior. Remember, not everybody who comes into your life comes to bring you down; some comes with right motives to help you grow. So can you notice such kind of friends you have, are they like what we are saying? well the English once said that ‘birds of the same feathers flock together’ that means you cannot notice such a character in them if you are also in the same direction of life.

            Along with friends, you might notice some traits of a friend being stubborn by either being trained or just as an influence. By this, we mean that they are stubborn because you are stubborn…..

I may not mention all the bad characters people live within their entire life, since the idea of writing this is to stress on ways to master your self-discipline. And these ways are not that new in town, you might have red them in another book or newspaper but you did not take them serious. They include;

1.     Avoid wasting your weekends

          Wasting weekends has always been the routine for many people, they waste it without even knowing that the weekend has been wasted all along and today it’s now a Monday. By the time you discover it, you are left with nothing to hold on in your pockets, it is again that time you start playing your blame game with your friends as if they forced you to use your money.

            It also used to be a headache dealing with it but immediately I realized it I said no and today I realize something in my savings, at list I now have something to touch and call mine when I take it of the bank. I have also learnt that, you don’t notice a bad habit until you are out of it. That’s why I now have the courage to advice my fellow friends like you.

2.     Understand what causes you into bad habits

            The best to deal with a bad habit in life is to identify what causes you into it. Like in grass, for you to completely do away with it is to do away with the roots since the roots are always capable of re-germinating into a full grass, so dealing with the cause puts you into the right direction of discovering yourself and doing away with the bad habits fully. Many people tend to not know this, instead, they always prefer to deal with the habit head to head by which by the end of the day, you end up still suffering the same disease you thought you had its medicine. This automatically regenerates into much stress and something they call mild headache.

        After thinking and rethinking about it, you now take it to the hospital to receive better or what they tend to describe as professional treatment, not knowing that what you are dealing with has got its roots and the roots are so much deep into you. In summary, just get its roots and cut them away out of your life and this will put you into who you need to be.

3.     Take action

         After identifying the root causes of your bad habits, now it’s time to take action into dealing with the habit and introducing a new good habit into its place, so that when it decides to re-germinate, it has nowhere to place its roots and this automatically shifts you into the safe place that you deserve to be. Indeed, changing a character is always a process and not something to be done just in a day or two. According to research that has always been done, says that changing a character fully takes duration of about 21 days.

       Taking action is always not easy since some habits may be deeply rooted into you that may be you can’t sometimes understand or notice that you have them unless you are told by either a good friend or somebody related to you that you do share ideas with.

4.     Be clear with your reasons to change 


        This is another way to get you moving on the journey of discovering what is good for you. Actually for you to change a direction of your moving, you must understand and state clearly the reasons why you need to take another way. Like behavior, for you to change it successfully, you must state clearly, the reasons you feel you feel you are not going the right way. What I simply mean is that, starting this journey is always simple and giving up on the way is also easy, so for you to start it and finish it successfully, first, state down clearly your points as the reason for you to change, maybe, your relationship is now waving away because of such characters, or maybe family is also no longer united as they used to be, are among the reasons you should put down.

         After stating them clearly down, always be sure to make your first move, that is, take your first action, and remember never to look back into them because, for characters, remembering them is like inviting them back into their position again.

5.     Set goals worth fighting for.


       Now this point is now the place where most of us people fail. Do you have goals to shoot may be for a short period of time you have? Are you sure you are ready and set to pursue them?  Well most of the answer you will get by asking people such questions will just be A complete NO. But why? Are they not your goals that you took your own time to make, why is it now that the answer you give them is a No. Now, do this, if you feel like you are not ready to pursue your own goals, take time and reschedule them, set new goals that you are comfortable with, may be the ones you already have are more advanced that you can’t afford.

Doing this will help groom you into being your new self let alone just changing your character, you will also learn about your personality and your potential. As you take a new direction with your life, I want to wish you greatness in your every next step. Thanks for reading this, you may leave a comment in case you don’t mind.


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