5 mistakes that all youths make without realizing it indeed.


Mistakes that youths make without realizing that they are

 Generally, mistakes are meant to be part of a lifestyle, that is, there is never success without mistakes, it just must be there for you to learn. People do make mistakes that some, they know but mostly, mistakes that people do are always due to unawareness, you are not sure of if it is right or wrong. By statics, youth hood is always accompanied by many mistakes since it is the period when someone tries to discover who exactly he or she is, some people can collectively describe the process as trial and error period.

 Now, to ensure you are on the safe side that you are supposed to be, we decided to venture into this topic and let you know some of the mistakes that you do mostly without realizing it. That is why we are releasing this article, kindly ensure you take note of these mistakes we are going to mention here and ensure you minimize it as safe as possible because that is our happiness.

 Here are 5 mistakes youths make that hinder from reaching their success as they should. Remember to follow us for more ideas coming through on a daily basis, share and like, comment your ideas after successful understanding of the article;

1.    Copying dressing styles from friends

 This is the most common mistakes that youths make without realizing that it is a mistake they assume it is something normal to do. A youth tries with all means to look just like his or friends, with the same swag and all that. Take a walk in your surroundings; you will notice that a group of youths walking together tends to have same looks or swag. They do this with a mentality behind every one of them that he or she wants to look cute. You see, everybody was created in his or her own way and again, each person has got a unique goal to achieve in life. Therefore, by copying someone’s way of life, it means you are trying to copy her success, something that will never be easy. As a youth, try to avoid this if you expect a bright future.

2.    Spending more time with friends

 This is another thing that is common in youths who are trying to grow together. Having friends is not bad at all, what makes it bad is pending more time with them than you spend doing something constructive, like meditation. Most youths have been assuming this to be something normal which, for real, is a waste of time. As in, how can you spend, the longest duration of time just making stories whose endings leaves you nothing better than a cracked rib as a result of laughing the jokes that are posted in line with your stories? Again, we do not say that you should not make stories but try to be reasonable with your time, plan yourself well and focus on your future self-improvements.

3.    Failing to plan in time

 The most important part of life is to plan your duties in time and ensure the day ends as you planned. Many youths fail to do this; they seem to do whatever comes in their minds at a particular time. They simply have no goals to achieve in their lives. Nowadays, making goal list has been minimized to the only ones who are serious and who knows clearly the direction they are taking in their lives. It is not that the other people who don’t make goals do not know why and where they are heading with their lives, it is because they simply has less time in doing that and even if asked what is keeping them busy, they also do not explain clearly. This is what is affecting many youths in the society today.

4.    Spending on social media.

 Everybody knows what it means by social media and that is why it is challenging to survive if you are not on social media, mostly Facebook. Everybody is on Facebook even if some are not well active, the fact remains that they have account or two on Facebook. By statistics, it states that 90% of the youths spend most of their time browsing and swiping faces on Facebook. Have you ever calculated the total cash that you are paying just to use Facebook in a month or in a year, let’s see?

 As a youth you should be good at calculations and be creative enough that you can use this amount to start something productive other wasting it on bundles.

5.    Mismanaging cash

  This is another issue that the youths are supposed to look into thoroughly before things get worse. You managing funds is a skill that everybody admires to have. The problem is, not everybody knows how to manage his or her money, and they seem to squander everything. The word ‘save’ is no longer alive in many dictionaries, it is completely dead. As a youth, always ensure you learn how you can manage your cash before requesting someone to give you more; it not only helps you plan but also trains you on how to be responsible on your own. Therefore learn how to manage your cash before having to fall in for a mistake of being irresponsible.

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