Behaviors that will make you single for a long time


Behaviors that will keep you single for a long time

 Living a single sometimes becomes a challenging that you become more stressed and you start living a life that is less peaceful. In short, there is a point when you start wondering what might be wrong with you, think of it this way, your age mates and friends are all in a relationship even though some relationships may appear to be a hell but what matters is that they are, while you what you can only think of is about yourself. From now, on we guess that you should not worry so much about It since today we decided to venture into this topic and we are looking into it today to let you know the behaviors that you do that will keep you single for a long time.

 If in case you find out that this article and these behaviors has been part of your life, then you should quit, live a life in another direction and watch your soul mate come to you. Before we begin, we would request you to follow us and stay alert for more ideas coming through in a mere future. Just tap the follow tab, share with two friends then like. We promised that we will never let you down.

 Here are behaviors that you do that will keep you single for a long period of time if you don’t stop them right away;

1.    Fearing to let go of your past

 The past is always designed in a way to act as a lesson and spear us to the next level of our lives; some pasts are so painful and regretful that you can easily find it hard to avoid remembering what happened. It is with you to stop living in your past, nobody will stop it for you, let’s say you have ever been in a relationship but what you went through while you were trying to make the relationship last longer, all was in vain. The nature has it right that once bitten twice shy, it is normal for someone to fear trying again something that he had a bad experience through. We say that if you don’t take your past as a lesson, then you will forever be single.

2.    Taking advises from failures

 It is also normal for someone to seek for advice when they feel that life is not moving in a direction that it should. What brings the difference among people is where you take your advice from, who exactly do you to for advice, you should first ask yourself if they are well experienced in the area where you need advice in, otherwise, the advice you will get will never promote your life to the next level. If you need correct advice that fit your situation, look for someone who is well established to give advice. There are high chances that you will remain single if you continue welcoming advises from failures as you, it will take you long to realize it.

3.    You are too proud to move out for the search of him or her.

 It is a pity that some of us, pride is eating us up that we find it difficult to live a natural life. This affects relationships in a manner like; you think you will look otherwise from what you want people to take you for. Proud people find difficult to even walk around just freely, they only go out with a purpose. Sometimes you are expected to just take a stroll out there and maybe meet and interact with new people for a better life. Otherwise, such a behavior will forever make you single. Learn to get out and look for him or her and say hi, you will eventually have a girlfriend or a boyfriend for life.

4.    Talking but avoiding taking actions.

 It is always easy for a mouth to speak something that is congested in your heart but sometimes it may be difficult to put your talking into action maybe because you fear something that we may not know. It is where you talk about a relationship you wish to have with your crush but deep inside you actions are slow in making your first move. All that matters in founding a relationship is the ability to make your first move, If you cannot make your first move then, you will continue living a single life. Start talking and also take your actions towards fulfilling what you say if you are sure that you want to be in a relationship.

5.    Caring so much that you appear to be desperate

 The number one thing in every relationship is to show some essence of care to the one you devour. But the other part of it says that too much of something is poisonous, meaning; you should do it but try not to overdo as it will turn against you than you expect. Human beings are human beings, they will never take things as you want them to take, they will only take them the opposite way. To care for someone you love is a sign of romance but caring so much is a sign of being desperate, you are expected to understand it so. They will never be with you when you tend to care so much. Avoid showing so much care and watch them stay beside you for life.

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